Customer service

How we can help?

User Area

Register, download and activate products here.

Go to the User Area

Registering a product in the User Area completes the activation process and gives you access to downloads from our server. It keeps all your license information in one place, 24/7.


Experiencing technical issues or have a software question? Check here first.

Visit our Helpdesk

For technical support on installing products, compatibility, software issues (bugs, errors, glitches, etc.), the registration process (software authorization, creating and using accounts in the User Area, transferring licenses, etc.), and/or purchasing difficulties (placing an order, special offers, processing and handling transactions).


Participate in discussions, share your tips, tricks and experiences, or just show off your music.

Join our Forum

Learned a new trick or have some feature suggestions? Visit the forum to exchange music production ideas with like-minded creators. Engage in discussions, share experiences and provide feedback on our products. Share what you'd like to see in upcoming versions, entirely new product ideas, or that song you've been meaning to finish.


Installation files in their latest versions for Mac and Windows of every D16 product.
Owner's manuals for every product with alternative language versions if available.